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E-commerce has significantly expanded in the rest of the world right now, and the benefits are huge and well known to everybody including the Government.  An online presence is keeping many businesses alive, that would have otherwise closed in this pandemic, resulting in many job losses. Online ordering allows consumers to have a relatively normal life while locked down in their homes, being able to order cooked food, essential goods, equipment for their home office / remote work. Online ordering protects the community at large as they do not have to take the risk of going to the shops to buy food, medicine etc. Customers can simply order your product online and have it delivered in a contactless manner.

LEO is offering a Trading Online Voucher to help you get your business ONLINE!

*Trading Online Voucher Scheme – up to €2,500 grant available

Grow your business online with help through the Government’s National Digital Strategy. The expanded Trading Online Voucher Scheme is designed to assist small businesses with up to 10 employees to trade more online, boost sales and reach new markets. Participating in this scheme can make the process of trading online much easier for you.

It offers financial assistance of up to €2,500 with co-funding of 10% from the business* along with training and advice to help your business trade online. Cutting the cost of developing your online trading capacity by up to 90% can make this investment very affordable for many small businesses out there.

Businesses that have already received a Trading Online Voucher can now apply for a second voucher, where upgrades are required.

Funding can be used towards adding payment facilities or booking systems to your website or developing new apps for your customers. The voucher can also be used towards subscriptions to low cost online retail platform solutions, to help companies quickly establish a retailing presence online.

*For applications received from April 7th 2020 until September 30th 2020. Further eligibility, terms and conditions apply.

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