Payment Integrations

Credit & Debit Card Payments

We offer integration with all major payment gateways in the country. Our payment integrations feature comprehensive set of functionality for accepting payments and payment management as offered by the respective payment gateway. Our aim is to eliminate the need to use the payment gateway portal for your day to day operations, but have all the typical functionality available inside the platform seemlessly integrated into the order management.

Payment Authorization

This is the most basic operation that all payment gateways do support, namely authorizing a credit card payment. Depending on the payment gateway, the integration may involve a redirect to the payment gateway website, popup overlay or the payment form can be directly integrated into your website.

Payment Capture / Settlement

Payment settlement (or capture) is also supported by all payment gateways and it can be done together with the authorization (immediate settlement) or delayed (delayed settlement). For businesses where stock availability is not know at the time of order, delayed settlement is preferred, to avoid having to do a refund in case of inability to deliver.

Authorization Cancellation

Authorization cancellation function is support by some gateway and allows you to cancel the authorizaiton and unblock the customer's funds quicker, without the money ever leaving the customer card account. This is ideal option if there is high risk of refundable cancellation being required.


Refund function is supported by some gateways and allows you to execute a refund transaction for a given payment. The refund can be partial or full. The money is refunded back to the customer's card.

Daily Summary

Daily transaction summary with daily settlement pending transactions report helps with quickly identifying any anomalies, such as unusually high failure rates as well as with keeping informed about the upcoming cash flow.

Country & Bank Resolution

Card BIN (Bank Identification Number) is automatically resolved to bank name, country and card type and the information is conveniently displayed as oart of the transaction record. This information can help identify potential fraud.

Other Payment Methods

Although credit & debit cards are by far the most popular payment method for online payments, there are number of other options available.

Mobile Wallets

Options such as Zapper and SnapScan offer mobile wallet payments (typically backed by a credit or debit card), simplifying the payment process, replacing the card details entry form with a QR barcode scan.

Instant EFT

Najor benefit of the Instant EFT payment option is the instant acknowledgement of the payment, regardless of the originating and destination bank. The immediate acknowledgement removes the need for waiting for the money to reflect into your bank account.

Credit Payment

Payment options such as MobiCred and PayFlex enable your customers to buy goods on credit.